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    • Let’s get your account set up

    • Minimum 10 characters
    • Minimum 10 characters
      Strength indicator
  • Details
  • Your Details

    • A passport style headshot.
    • Short video of you.
  • Location
  • What's your address?

  • CV Upload
  • Add your CV

    • Your CV must be provided as doc, docx or PDF files and no more than 20mb in size.
  • Work Type
  • What type of work are you looking for?

    • Please list at least 5 job types/roles you are seeking.
  • Criminal Convictions
  • Criminal Convictions

  • Filtering rules: As of 29 May 2013 you are no longer required to disclose information about any 'filtered' offences. You are not required to disclose on any part of this form any convictions or cautions that have been 'filtered'. Guidance and criteria on the filtering of these cautions and convictions can be found here Subject to the filtering rules failure to declare a conviction that you must disclose may require us to exclude you from our register or terminate an assignment if the offence is not declared but later comes to light.

    It is important that you read the 'Filtering rules for criminal record check certificates' detailed here before you complete this section of our registration form.

  • If yes, please list your criminal convictions and their dates below subject to the filtering rules The information you give will be treated in confidence and only taken into account where, in the reasonable opinion of Earl Street Recruitment, the offence is relevant to the post for which you are applying. *A conviction will become spent after a 'rehabilitation period'.

    As an exception to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, for certain roles and professions you are required to disclose all spent and unspent convictions. For further details on DBS checks: eligibility guidance who is eligible for DBS checks but anyone doing such work must disclose spent and unspent convictions (subject to the filtering rules). If this is relevant to work that you are seeking please list all criminal convictions (spent and unspent) and their dates below, subject to the filtering rules.

  • Health and Disability
  • Health and Disability

  • The following questions on health and disability are asked in order to find out your needs in terms of reasonable adjustments to access our recruitment service and to find out your needs in order to perform the job or position sought.

    Do you have any health issues or a disability relevant which may make it difficult for you to carry out functions which are essential for the role you seek?

  • If you have a health issue or disability, what are your needs in terms of reasonable adjustments in order to access this recruitment service, attend interviews, take aptitude tests or for you to carry out functions which are essential for the role you seek?

  • References
  • References

  • It is important that we have valid contact details to obtain two references as a minimum.

    • Reference 1

    • Reference 2

  • Tax Code
  • Tax Code

  • Choose the statement that applies to you, either A. B or C and tick the appropriate box.

    • Statement A Current personal allowance.

      This is my first job since 6 April and since the 6 April I have not received payments from any of the following:

      • ● Jobseeker's Allowance
      • ● Employment and Support Allowance
      • ● Incapacity Benefit

      Statement B Current personal allowance on a Week 1/Month 1 basis.

      Since 6 April I have had another job but I do not have a P45. And/or since the 6 April I have received payments from any of the following:

      • ● Jobseeker's Allowance
      • ● Employment and Support Allowance
      • ● Incapacity Benefit

      Statement C Tax Code BR

      I have another job and/or I am in receipt of a State, workplace or private pension.

    • Key

      Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) is an unemployment benefit which can be claimed while looking for work.

      Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) is a benefit which can be claimed if you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work.

      Incapacity Benefit is help if you could not work because of an illness or disability before 31 January 2011.

      State Pension is a pension paid when you reach State Pension age.

      Workplace pension is a pension which was arranged by your employer and is being paid to you.

      Private pension is a pension arranged by you and is being paid to you.

      Please note that no other Government or HMRC paid benefits need to be considered when completing this form.

  • Student Loans
  • Student Loans

    • To avoid repaying more than you need to, tick the correct student loan or loans that you have – use the guidance on the right to help you.

    • For more information about the type of loan you have or to check your balance, go to

    • You have Plan 1 if any of the following apply:

      • ● you lived in Northern Ireland when you started your course
      • ● you lived in England or Wales and started your course before 1 September 2012

      You have Plan 2 if:

      You lived in England or Wales and started your course on or after 1 September 2012.

      You have Plan 4 if:

      You lived in Scotland and applied through the Students Award Agency Scotland (SAAS) when you started your course.

      You have a postgraduate loan if any of the following apply:

      • ● you lived in England and started your postgraduate master's course on or after 1 August 2016
      • ● you lived in Wales and started your postgraduate master's course on or after 1 August 2017
      • ● you lived in England or Wales and started your postgraduate doctoral course on or after 1 August 2018
  • Documents
  • Documents

  • You can skip this section and upload any documents later.
    • Only required if you don't have a passport
    • If you have one
    • This can be a document that contains your current address such as a letter from HMRC, payslip, bank or credit card statement, utility or phone bill.
    • This applies to non UK and Irish nationals only.
  • Bank Details
  • Bank Details

  • We use Barclays Bank PLC Faster Payments Service (FPS) to enable us to credit you directly for payment of wages while working through Earl Street Recruitment on a temporary assignment. Please complete the information below. This method of payment gives you the advantage of having cleared funds paid directly to your bank or building society account.

  • Payee Details

  • Bank Details

  • Next of Kin
  • Next of Kin

  • In the event that you are taken ill or involved in an accident at work, who do you wish us to inform?

    Please ensure that any future changes are notified as soon as possible so that an accurate record of your personal data can be maintained.

  • Declaration
  • Please read the following declarations and select the checkbox to confirm

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