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Clocks Go Forward!


Clocks Change – British Summertime begins! 

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Everything you need to know about the clocks going forward.

It’s that time of year again where we transition from cold dark evenings to warmer lighter evenings! The clocks will go forward this weekend Sunday 31st March 2019, which, don’t forget, is also Mothering Sunday!

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The change in time marks ‘British Summer Time’ which, of course, we all enjoy!

Although the clocks being moved forward 1 hour will result in us losing one hour sleep, it also means that British summertime begins, which we would never like to complain about. British summertime officially starts on the last Sunday of March each year.

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British Summertime begins on a Sunday to keep disruption and confusion to the working week, to transport and other schedules,  at a minimum.

William Willett

When did day light saving start?”, you might ask. Well, Daylight Savings first came into effect following The Summer Time Act of 1916. The clocks changing was an idea of William Willett. The original proposal was to move the clocks forward by 80 minutes, in 20 minute weekly steps every Sunday in April and then reverse the procedure on Sundays in September.

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Although your smartphones and devices will update themselves if you have any manual clocks and watches, be sure to change them to avoid getting caught out! A good way to remember which way the clocks change are by this clever quote “Spring Forward and Fall back“.

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We hope that you enjoy the British Summertime!

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