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Handling Criticism in the Workplace

Receiving constructive criticism from bosses or colleagues in the workplace can be upsetting or perhaps infuriating for some. Unfortunately, it is very easy to let our emotions get the better of us in certain situations and in turn people can react to criticism with anger or upset. It is important to take a step back …

Options After School

Preparing for Life After School School – we either love it or we hate it! Either way, our school years eventually come to an end which can exciting, sad and even quite daunting all at the same time. Whether you’re a sixth form or college student, you may be thinking about your options or looking …

Commonly asked Interview Questions

Commonly asked interview questions and how to prepare Attending an interview and answering difficult questions can be a very daunting process, especially when it’s for that dream job that you’ve always striven for! Preparing for your interview and being confident in your answers to questions is very important. We have put together some commonly asked …

Bizarre Job Titles

Bizarre Job Titles Searching for jobs should be an uplifting experience, here are a few unusual and amusing job titles we have found to make you smile or raise an eyebrow.   Animal Colourist Providing make up treatments for animals on screen and stage, animal colourists are hired by film makers to make their cast …

Top post-interview questions to ask

Top post-interview questions to ask We have previously advised on how to prepare for interviews and have suggested that you ask your own post-interview question to show initiative. “So… do you have any questions for me?” The question you dread at the end of an interview! It might be too early to start asking if you …

Successful Interviewing – A Recruiter’s Guide for Candidates (Part 2)

We are continuing our top ten tips on successful interviewing, with advice from our experienced recruiters. (Successful Interviewing – A Recruiter’s Guide for Candidates Part 1) 6. Ask thoughtful questions Prepare some questions in advance to ask your interviewer to show you have done your research and are really interested in the nitty-gritty of the …

Successful Interview – A Recruiter’s Guide for Candidates (Part 1)

“Besides getting several paper cuts in the same day or receiving the news that someone in your family has betrayed you to your enemies, one of the most unpleasant experiences in life is a job interview.” Lemony Snicket, The Carnivorous Carnival     Everybody has a story about their worst job interview, whether your mind went blank or you risked …

Should There be ‘Untruths’ on your CV? | Earl Street Employment Consultants

A recent survey from tech experts Crucial has revealed that 14% of Brits have lied about their technical skills on a CV.  Technology is just one of the many skill sets that people have ‘stretched the truth on’ but as a recruitment agency we ask the question; is lying to obtain that job ok? Let’s …

Benefits of Work Experience

Work Experience Work experience is something most students get assigned during their time at school, college or university. Usually a week away from studies so students can experience the world of work. Stepping Into the World of Work Is a great opportunity to experience a working environment with people who work the job day in …

How to get a great night’s sleep!

A great night’s sleep is something we all aspire to, however this is not always easy. We have put together some helpful tips to ensure that you get the nights sleep that you deserve! Routine Getting into a routine is vital, this will help your body clock take control. Going to sleep at a similar …

Random Day Off | Earl Street Employment Consultants

Random day off…  Now, what to do?… A duvet day always sounds like a good idea.  Most weekends the guilt of wasting a whole day in bed won’t allow you to do it, but how good does a Netflix day sound?  However, if you don’t want to waste your day then at least turn the …