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New Year- New Job


The New Year can be a time of change and to look for new opportunities.  If you are thinking that it is time for a new job here are a few tips to help you in your search.

Job Recruiters Maidstone

Your CV

Prepare your CV, make sure it is up to date and relevant to the type of roles that you want to apply for.

Your CV is selling you to a potential employer, so make sure it works for you and makes you stand out above the crowd.

Samples of good CV layouts can be found on the internet if you need some extra inspiration.

Jobs Maidstone

Job Search

Know what you want and be realistic in matching your skills to the job description.

Be proactive in your job search,  check the job sites and register for job alerts so you get to hear about new roles when they are posted.

 Register with recruitment agencies, send in your CV and make an appointment to register and meet with a consultant.

Permanent Work Maidstone | Earlstreet Employment Consultants


Send in a covering letter with your CV which is unique to the role you have applied for.   Include the title of the role as the employer may be recruiting for more than one position.

Your covering letter is an opportunity to include previous relevant experience and skills that you have.  This will reinforce  the reason for your application and hopefully make your application stand out to the employer.


Work in Maidstone

Prepare and plan.

Make sure you have visited the company website and you are knowledgeable about the business and its services.

Make sure you know exactly where you are going and how long the travel time will be, there is nothing worse than arriving late or  stressed.

Dress smartly, even if it is a casual environment, first impressions do count.

Recruitment Maidstone

New Job Offer

Congratulations the effort you put in has paid off,  your CV stood out and you impressed at your interview.  It is time to look forward to the new challenges and experiences that are ahead of you.

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