Strangest Email Addresses
Strangest Email Addresses One thing we come across as a recruitment company is the sometimes strange choice of emails that people provide us with. Before applying for a role your email is definitely worth considering because it gives a first impression you may not be aware of! Here’s some tips… Consider setting up a separate …
How to Settle into a New Job
Most of us find interviews to be the most daunting part of changing jobs. However, once you’ve got the job, settling in can be just as tough. Here are a few tips on how to stay level headed and settle in as quickly as possible… Accept that you are the newbie! Going from knowing it …
The Benefits of a Team Meeting
Team Meeting Team meetings, look forward to them or dread them, most businesses have regular Team Meetings. When planned and prepared for sufficiently there are many benefits to a Team Meeting. Benefits include the following: An opportunity for team building and appraisals. Sometimes work can be so busy that you rarely have time to see …
Hacked – Is your CV the Culprit? | Earl Street Employment Consultants
If you have been hacked or are at risk from hackers here’s some tips on what you could be doing without even realising… What does hacking mean? It comes in many forms; stealing personal data, credit card, bank details etc. Besides the financial risks, emails, social media and all online accounts can be effected. There …
GLAA; What Is It and Why is it so Important?
The GLAA (Gangmasters & Labour Abuse Authority) was set up to protect vunerable and exploited workers. They are governed by a separate board and work in partnership with other organisations. It is also an outlet in which suspicions of exploitation can be reported. They cover issues such as working hours, training, terms and conditions, the …
How to Change Career Paths | Earl Street Recruitment
Finding your Career Path During this time of the year we see an increase in people wishing to move on from their current role with many wanting to explore the possiblility of changing their job title completely. Here’s some guidance on where to begin… It can be a confusing time, moving on from a career …
Office Politics – How to Survive
Office Politics With politics everywhere at the moment we are looking at the world of office politics. Every office in the country will have their own stresses, work load, staffing and internal rivalries. So how do you survive the office politics and make your way to the top without upsetting others on your way? Stay Calm Office …
The Weirdest Interview Questions
We all know by now the interview questions we should be asking, but, there have also been some pretty odd questions asked by interviewers. In fact there are the unfortunate people who have experienced some of the weirdest interview questions ever. Some of which resemble interview questions from the socially awkward David Brent: The Office. Weird enough: “Was …
Can speaking a foreign language improve career options?
All the answers point to yes! Learning a foreign language can only improve your career options, as far as we can see there are no negatives to learning! Lets have a look at how we came to this conclusion: It’s give you an advantage in interviews, as it distinguishes you from other candidates. Pay is …
How to Find the Right Person for the Job in Ten Steps
The time and cost of interviewing candidates for a job position can be substantial, then, to discover the new employee is unsuitable or they decide to leave within a few months. The key is to get it right the first time around and prevent having to go through rounds of interviews again wasting valuable time and capital. Hiring …
Make the most of your lunch break | Earl Street Employment Consultants
When your day at work is busy, its all too easy to disregard your lunch break. However, aside from the fact that its important to eat in the middle of the day if you plan to be productive, there are also endless things you can do to organise your life, feel good, and ensure you have …
Funniest Lost and Found | Earl Street Employment Consultants
Lost and found, the place of mislaid items.. some never to be recovered, here’s some of the strangest.. Beloved pet Dexter went missing. He’s also happens to be an alpaca! An unusual pet to have and an even stranger one to go missing. We’re sure it’s difficult to lose an alpaca… Human Skull This …