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Walk to Work


Walk to and from work

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Think of all the mornings that you’ve experienced road rage, got caught in traffic or experienced the disaster that is travelling on public transport at peak times. Consider making a change and start walking to work!

Want to walk to work but can’t quite bring yourself to setting the alarm clock earlier, here are some ways to get motivated:

Fitness Tracker

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A fitness tracker is a great way to record your walk; keep track of your steps, heart rate and distance to and from work. If you’re thinking, why would I want to buy a fancy watch when I should be saving money for walking to work, there are other options such as apps on your mobile or a trusty pedometer.

Find a Friend

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Know a work colleague or a friend that has the same route to work as you? Walk together!

Challenge Yourself

Set yourself realistic goals, for example, challenge yourself to walk faster or take a longer route to get more steps in! Take your walking further by signing up for a charity walk.

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Benefits to walking

Walk to and from work and burn calories the easy way! Walking doesn’t only benefit the waist line it also saves the pennies in your pocket! Cutting the commuter costs gives you more money to put towards the things you really want.  It’s also a great way to improve your mental health as it gives you the perfect time to clear your mind ready to face the day or leave the stress at work.

Tips to get on your feet

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Plan your route to avoid being late.

Know how long it will take you as this will help you know when to wake up and what time you should leave the house by.

Wear comfortable shoes that are suitable to walk in.

Adapt to the weather by wrapping up warm in the winter months and keeping cool and the spring and summer months.

Carry a suitable bag , like  a backpack or messenger bag, this will put less strain on your shoulders

Have a plan B for emergencies. Have other ways to get home via public transport routes and keep the fare at hand should you ever need it.

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