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A guide to working from home

Are you working from home? Whether working from home is a norm for you, or you are working from home for the first time in light of the global pandemic that we are facing, we have some tips that can help you maximise your productivity.
Working from home can be difficult. It is our first time remotely here at Earl Street and we are facing the same challenges that come hand in hand with working from home. There are so many things that could distract you. You even find yourself doing things you would never normally do if you were at home but not working. Cute pets and a phone camera means that you are now your pets personal photographer. 24/7 access to food next to your ‘office’ means that you are constantly snacking. Not to mention the fact that the lockdown has turned us all into (wannabe) professional athletes!
It is important to balance our work and personal life. However, switching from home to work mode is difficult. Here are a few tips on how to create and implement a boundary between working and everything else.

Find a workspace, and stick with it.

Unless you work for a company that uses hot desking, you will more than likely have a permanent workspace at work. So implement this at home! If you are used to hot desking, just change seats and move around your dining table each day…
Although you technically could do your work from your laptop whilst you are in bed with Netflix on in the background, we suggest you don’t. This may sound luxurious, but besides decreasing your productivity, it will leave you feeling irritated and claustrophobic. Move away from your bedroom, and sit at a table or desk! Do not sit on a comfy chair that you can slouch into and find yourself waking up at 3.30pm puzzled as to where and who you are.

Find your work-home balance

It is likely that you will be working from home when other people are around. It is important to create a boundary between your work and personal life. Set clear rules for those around you and make it clear that whilst you are working, you are not available. Setting these boundaries will reduce your distractions and allow you to increase your productivity.

Wakey wakey, rise and shine

Get out of your pajamas. I am not going to tell you that it is essential to shower, do your hair, face and get into work clothes to sit at your dining table, as it is not. If you are planning to exercise on your lunch break then it would not make sense to spend all this time getting ready. It is important to get ready for your day though, as this will make you feel more alert. So wake up, brush your teeth, splash your face with water and hop into some new clothes and get cracking!

Take short breaks, and use them to move!

Take a couple of minute breaks here and there to get up and stretch your legs. We advise you pop outside for a few minutes. On your lunch hour, make sure you adhere to your companies break policy, but make sure you take the full hour! As you can eat whilst at your desk, use the hour to get outside and do some exercise! You could walk, run, cycle, hop skip, jump… as long as you are moving! You could also take up a meditational sport, such as yoga or Pilates. Practice these in your lunch break in order to take your mind completely off your work! This will allow your mind to reset for the second part of your day.

Keep in contact with your co-workers

If you are struggling, let your co-workers know. If you feel your workload is too much or too little, there is no harm in reaching out. It may just be quiet, but it is nice to be reassured that you are doing all that you can.

Create to do lists:

To do lists are perfect! They work in every walk of life. Create a to do list at the start of each day. Make sure it outlines every task that needs to be completed on that day. This will motivate you and help you to avoid procrastinating as you are fully aware of your daily responsibilities. If you need a little bit more of a push, state why it is important to complete the tasks.

Give your pets some space!

Although this is the perfect time to fit in extra bonding sessions with your furry friends, remember to not invade their quiet time. They’re not used to having you at home this often and are probably not used to the constant noise and excitement. On the flip side, when your pet isn’t resting, make sure to give them extra attention! They love having you around!


We hope that our guide can assist you in improving your productivity when working remotely,  from Earl Street Employment Consultants


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