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Everything you need to know about upcycling


Bored, feeling creative and have loads of old stuff lying around that you want to throw out? If the answer is yes, then we would like to introduce you to upcycling!

Upcycling is using discarded or old material in a way that increases the value or quality of the original materials. In simple terms this is turning old junk into gorgeous and/or useful items. Not only can you make use of your up-cycled items, but it is a lot of fun as well! We have put together a short list of our favourite up-cycled items!

Plant pots

This gorgeous and creative plant pot is an excellent example of upcycling! Would you believe that this was originally a pot noodle? With a bit of time and creative and colourful precision, this is now the home for a plant!

This individual has been extremely creative and up-cycled old footballs which would otherwise have no use. This unique plant pot adds a quirky feel to any garden area. We have also seen plant pots created out of old shoes, tyres and bricks.




 Improving the appearance of old furniture is one of our favourite upcycling projects. This individual has turned an old chest of drawers into a beautiful modern chest of drawers. Upcycling furniture is not only fun but a rewarding project as you are able to create gorgeous new item (which is precisely to your taste) at a very low cost!







There are countless decorative items that you are able to create out of old materials. As you can see above, this individual has created a place mat out of corks. Why not get creative and see what you can make out of your old scraps and materials?


 Upcycled clothing is becoming popular amongst the younger population. People are cutting, sewing and embroidering upon old garments or materials in order to make new and fashionable items. People have also been making use of old materials to create masks in order to protect themselves in the current global pandemic!

We hope that this blog has inspired you to try some upcycling for yourselves, from Earl Street Employment Consultants

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