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The most in-demand jobs for 2020


In-demand Jobs for 2020


Do you have an eye for technology? Looking to start your career path? then these could be the jobs for you. Technology is becoming a huge part of day to day life. As a result many of the in-demand jobs for 2020 have a technical element. Below are only a few job opportunities that are thought to be in high demand this year!


Blockchain Developer

A blockchain is a digital ledger that can record transactions. The best way to describe it is to compare blockchains to Google Docs. As multiple users can view and edit documents simultaneously and can be continuously updated.  So a can developer designs and sets up core web architect to build web apps. Blockchain didn’t exist a few years ago, therefore there is still a chance to get in there and start your career!


Physical Therapist

A physical therapist gives treatments such as, massage, heat therapy and exercise to those with injury or deformity. Due to physical activity level decreasing this could be the reason on the increased need for therapists. As people are becoming more inactive it leaves more chance for weakened muscles and injuries therefore, increasing the need for physical therapists. The job is also ranked 20th in the 100 best jobs!


Video and Digital Marketer

A video marketer uses multiple digital techniques to promote and market a product, business or service. The main source will be the internet while also utilising phones, display advertising and any other digital medium. The demand for marketing roles is already high and with the increase in success of using videos to promote a business the demand will continue to increase for 2020.


Commercial Drone Pilot

A drone pilot or a UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)  carry out word with a drone to complete a job. Which could be recording locations, measuring sites and more. The pilot must have approval from the civil aviation authority in the UK which can cost around £3,000. However no other experience is needed! Could this be for you?


Lawyer, Paralegal, and Legal support staff


Positions for lawyer are in high demand. These positions are wanted by many law firms and coporate legal departments as litigation is driving much of the hiring within the legal field. Insurance defence, commercial litigation and employment law are offering the highest number of opportunities for 2020.


Social Media Marketer

Similar to a digital marketer a social media marketer uses social media platforms to market a product or service. This type of role didn’t even exist in businesses five years ago and is not a primary role! This is a great opportunity for students or graduates to embrace this technological change and start their career. As those already in the marketing industry will need to develop their skills set to adapt and stay relevant.



Veterinarians care for all kinds of animals as a doctor would for humans. Due to the increase of  household pets the demand for vets is increasing. As many households treat their pets like one of the family. Therefore, if they were to be sick or injured the need for care, procedures or surgeries is high in order to extend the quality of life of their pets.


Do any of these interest you? If yes then take the opportunity and jump while you can! If not below are a few more in-demand job for 2020.

– cybersecurity project manager

-security, fire, and service technicians

-financial tech professional

-In-home caregiver


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